Kavanaugh Stands Tall, Sen. Graham Chastises Committee Democrats

Here’s the news you need to know on this Thursday, September 27, 2018.

The Judicial Crisis Network released the following statement in response to today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified.
“We started the day with an allegation that had no corroboration; every witness she placed at the scene refuted her story. And now, after her testimony, her story is even more muddled. The circumstances Dr. Ford has described sound awful. And anyone who sympathizes with her should be outraged that the Democrats have politicized this process to the irreparable detriment of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. Senators have a choice: endorse a smear campaign or support Judge Kavanaugh.”


President Trump praises Judge Kavanaugh and calls on the Senate to vote
Officials who spoke with USA TODAY as the hearing was unfolding said Trump had told aides he thought Kavanaugh did himself some good in his confirmation battle, administration officials said Thursday.


Lindsey Graham chastises Senate Democrats
It was a stunning moment, but one that clearly had been coming for days for anyone watching the 63-year-old senator closely. A furious Graham accused Senate Democrats of “the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics” – an effort to ruin Kavanaugh’s reputation and sink his nomination for the Supreme Court.

Graham: “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020,”


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Please visit: http://confirmkavanaugh.com for the latest news and information on Brett Kavanaugh.