SCOTUS Brief: Kavanaugh’s Fruitful Week, Democrats Engage in “Weird Political Science”

Here’s the news you need to know on this Thursday, August 23, 2018.

Collins’ warmth brightens Kavanaugh’s prospects
Yesterday, Maine Senator Susan Collins met with Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh and praised him for being thoughtful and “clearly” well credentialed. The fourth-term Senator plays a key role in confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

“He is clearly well-credentialed, has appropriate experience, is thoughtful in his approach to the issues, emphasized his belief in an independent judiciary, underscored his commitment to stare decisis,” Collins said in a 25-minute interview in her office late Tuesday. “I’m just not — I want to make sure I have the benefit of the hearings before reaching a decision.”

In Case You Missed It: WATCH: JCN’s Carrie Severino joins FoxNews to discuss Schumer’s latest “strategy”
Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino reacts to Schumer’s threat to sue for Kavanaugh’s records.

“Democrats can try to sue for Kavanaugh’s records, but ‘this is really a publicity stunt. It’s trying to delay and distract from his record, which is outstanding.’” – Carrie Severino

Editorial: Schumer keeps providing a daily education in weird political science
“We figure we’ve seen everything, but then Chuck Schumer keeps providing a daily education in weird political science. The Senate Democratic leader on Tuesday attempted the double bank shot of claiming that Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed for the Supreme Court because Michael Cohen copped a guilty plea.”

Democrats keep trying to create a make-believe constitutional order
Democrats have set about fabricating brand new extra-constitutional standards that happen to always align with their partisan aims. Their latest concocted stipulation states that anyone nominated by a president under suspicion of criminality becomes “illegitimate.”

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