SCOTUS Brief: As Hearings Near, Momentum for Kavanaugh Grows While Dems Are in Disarray and Getting Desperate

Here’s the news you need to know on this Monday, August 27, 2018.

Boston Herald Editorial: Brett Kavanaugh deserves hearing before Senate
Kavanaugh, 53, has a legal track record going back more than a decade. U.S. senators should question the nominee vigorously, and then make the decision whether he is fit to sit on the Supreme Court. The Democrats’ charade to delay — and possibly scuttle — Kavanaugh’s nomination based on unconnected events swirling around the White House must not be allowed to succeed. That’s why Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell must stick to the original schedule and launch Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings in two weeks.

Give Brett Kavanaugh the due process he deserves.

Fresh signs that Democrats won’t be able to stop Kavanaugh

Even Democrats involved in the effort to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination privately admitted to Axios that there will have to be a major new development for them to have any chance of killing his confirmation. They say they need an explosive document, or a trainwreck during the confirmation hearings.

Watch: Kavanaugh’s qualifications are still being overlooked by the media
Kavanaugh might be the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in decades, but that doesn’t matter to leftists and their allies in the media.


Senate Democrats will use any argument they can to postpone Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings

Senate Democrats are frustrated. They need a reason to postpone Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings until after the election, and so far there just isn’t one.

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