Yale Prof. E. Donald Elliott Announces Support for Gorsuch in WSJ

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  1.   Yale Law Professor E. Donald Elliott became the latest member of “Liberals and Democrats for Gorsuch,” writing in the Wall Street Journal that Judge Gorsuch “follows the law as best he can wherever it might lead.”

Prof. E. Donald Elliott: Gorsuch “Follows the law as best as he can wherever it might lead”

“But among judicial conservatives, Judge Gorsuch is as good as it possibly gets. I have known him personally for more than a decade, since he was an attorney in the Justice Department. He is a brilliant mind, but more important he is a kind, sensitive and caring human being. Judge Gorsuch tries very hard to get the law right. He is not an ideologue, not the kind to always rule in favor of businesses or against the government. Instead, he follows the law as best as he can wherever it might lead. Judge Gorsuch has demonstrated in his rulings that he believes the judiciary has a sworn duty to protect individual liberties, even when they lack broad public support. Today Judge Gorsuch rules that Hobby Lobby cannot be forced to offer employees certain contraceptive coverage that violates its owners’ religious beliefs. (That ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court.) But tomorrow it could mean standing up for an unpopular minority group that liberals like betterThe partisan wars started in 1987 with Judge Robert Bork; the time to end them is 2017 with Judge Gorsuch.”


  1.   Hamilton Jordan, Associate at Kecker & Van Nest LLP and the son of former President Jimmy Carter’s White House Chief of Staff, says Judge Gorsuch “cares deeply about the rule of law and the critical role of an independent judiciary.”

Hamilton Jordan: Gorsuch “cares deeply about the rule of law and the critical role of an independent judiciary.”

Having worked closely with Judge Gorsuch as one of his law clerks, I can attest that he is a compassionate and courageous public servant who cares deeply about the rule of law and the critical role of an independent judiciary. He approaches each case as I believe a judge should: with an open mind and a real ambition to get it right. The Senate would do well to confirm him.


  1.   Over at Axios, Stef W. Kight writes that Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was impressed with Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Axios: Feinstein impressed with Gorsuch

A leading Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, said she was impressed with Judge Neil Gorsuch today after meeting with him, according to the AP… ‘He’s a very caring person and he’s obviously legally very smart… I think we are dealing with someone who is impressive, so we’ll see.’”